Thursday, May 8, 2008

Incandescent Lights

The purpose of the first space is large warehouse. The purpose of the lighting is to illuminate the warehouse space evenly and so that work can be done. The luminaries used are very simple but one's that are efficient enough to give off light to the space. The effect of the lighting is that it doesn't light the space very efficiently and leaves lots of shadows and dark places throughout the space. There are not many colors in the space, but the luminaries do not accentuate them. The lighting in the space could be a little better and more efficient, there could less fixtures if the acutal lamp gave off more light.

The purpose of the second space is the interior of an office building. The lighting is used to illuminate the space, but to also accentuate the architectural detailing, and to make contrast within the space. I feel like the lighting in this space has a very dramatic effect on the building. The light source also brings to life different colors within the space. I feel like this lighting is very appropriate for the space, and the illumination level is what it should be in a space like this.

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